About Casey Foundation Africa

We at the Casey Foundation Africa are dedicated to ending child marriage and empowering children across Africa through education, skill development, and mentorship.

We engage parents and communities in rejecting child marriage and promoting adolescent health with comprehensive education and awareness campaigns.

We advocate for strong laws and policies and support women with financial literacy and business mentorship, we drive economic development and create environments where children can thrive.

Join us in our mission to protect, nurture, and empower the next generation, ensuring every child can reach their full potential in all aspects of life.

How was the Casey Foundation Africa founded
The organization was founded and incorporated in 2020 following a story aired on NBS TV, a local television station, in Lwanda village, Luuka district in Eastern Uganda, where a 13-year-old girl of primary five got pregnant. She said, “The man bought me a bottle of soda, a cake, gave me 2000 UGX (less than 1 USD), and promised to buy me a dress. I had sex with him; I am pregnant and now thinking of abortion, but life is hard.” Her friends from the same school also said, “During menstruation, the man got me pads (sanitary towels) after he asked me to reward him, we had sex, and I got pregnant,” “He used to come to our house and did whatever he wanted with me, and when I got pregnant, he is nowhere to be seen.” This formed the Casey Formation Africa to fight against, prevent and end child marriages and adolescent pregnancies by empowering girls and helping them access education, supporting women and youth entrepreneurship growth, etc, in Uganda and other African countries.

Our Vision
A world in which every child is protected from child marriage, nurtured in a safe environment, and empowered with the opportunities to reach their full potential in all aspects of life

Our Mission
We empower children and parents to reject child marriage by providing education support, skill development, and mentorship programs

Our Objectives

To empower children with information, access to quality education, and supportive networks, so they can make informed and healthy choices, and pursue their aspirations

To empower parents and community members to reject child marriage and support adolescent health through comprehensive education, and awareness campaigns

To advocate for the adoption and enforcement of supportive laws and policies against child marriage through strategic partnerships and comprehensive advocacy efforts

To empower women through financial literacy, business startup support, and mentorship, thereby contributing to economic development and creating a supportive environment that promotes children’s education

Our Core Values
: We uphold a culture of honesty, fairness, and ethical performance, guided by strong moral principles, in all aspects of our work

Empowerment: We support beneficiaries to be autonomous and to gain the confidence to pursue their aspirations and claim their rights. We ensure that our team is competent to deliver effective services and advance the vision of our organization

Trust: We gain the confidence of others by being a reliable and dependable partner

Accountability: We ensure that we deliver on our commitments and uphold financial and operational transparency

Our Registration
Casey Foundation Africa is registered in the United States of America as a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) with Employer Identification Number: 92-2997751 and in Uganda as a company limited by guarantee with registration number: 80020002765699

Who we are

Board of directors
Our Team

Our Founders

Portrait picture of Walufu Evans About Casey Foundation Africa